
Donations from members help sustain the activity of the Victoria Shambhala Centre, allowing us to offer meditation, community events, and programs throughout the year. Monthly support also allows us to create and maintain a home for our practices and our community, and to create and model an uplifted environment that supports our practices and the Shambhala path to awakenment.

Our members offer a wide range of monthly donations. No one is excluded from membership because of money. However, making a financial commitment is a very important step along the Shambhala path; it is a gesture of support to the rest of your Shambhala community, and a clear acknowledgement of the value that you feel Shambhala has in your life.

A suggested monthly donation is $30/month. We also invite a patron’s support of $45/month or more if one can afford it. Our suggested reduced donation is $15/month (3 expensive cups of coffee!)

If you have any questions about membership dues or any other aspect of membership, please contact Elisabeth Hazell at 250-882-3682 or at [email protected]

To become a member please complete the Membership Form. Once we receive your completed form, Elisabeth will guide you through the new member orientation process.